
One more year of participating in the Environmental Minga

Renewing our commitment, Hanacolla joins the environmental initiative organized by the Municipality of Tolar Grande, during April 22 and 23 we actively participated in the traditional Environmental Minga, a day of cleanup, in which, together with members of the community, mining companies and contractors, we work together to promote environmental awareness, creating synergy for the…

Cerro Delta – Epithermal Deposit of High Au and Ag Sulphurization

Cerro Delta is an Epithermal Deposit of High Au and Ag Sulphurization composed of granitic to porphyric rock instructed by dacitic dome, andesitic lavas and mafic dikes. It presents zones of Advanced Argilica alterations with central zones composed by structures with Qz-Vuggy with silica superimposition. Surface geochemical results reached values of up to 5.75 gr/Tn. Geophysical…

Providencia – Final Approbal

La Providencia is an epithermal deposit of silver, lead, copper and zinc lodged in conglomerate sediments of quaternary (Conglomerate La Providencia, Peralta and Sureda, 1992. Pleistocene), which overlie tectonic contact with red sediments of Pastos Grandes group (Sijes Formation) of the Upper Tertiary. The latter rely on unconformity on the Ordovician pelites and wackes of…